Guest Spot Post by Henry Fox Talbot (not that one). Talbot is a three year old Terrier mix who enjoys long walks, peanut butter treats, and is passionate about the conservation of our natural resources. This is his account of his recent trip to the Adirondacks, New York.
Read MoreAnd Then There Were Three
A couple of weeks ago, my mother rescued three kittens who were abandoned by their mothers outside of a barn adjacent to our property. Four actually, but we found that little guy a home. Thus, for the purposes of this article, my mother rescued three kittens. Three adorable kittens who also need a loving home.
Why aren't we keeping the kittens? Oh, if wishing made it so. Unfortunately, my mother is already the keeper of four cats and of my father, who is rapidly loosing patience. My sister has already done her duty and taken two kittens from a previous litter so she's off the hook. I, however, live in anti-pet apartment complex that seemed like a good idea at the time, but is now thwarting my kitten-owning dreams.
So in lieu of providing a kitten a good home, I thought I could try to find the kittens a good home. That balances out in terms of karma, right? The kittens are playful, curious, sweet, and cuddly– they fart when they're excited, but no one is purrr-fect.
See what I did there? I'm embracing bad punning in the name of kittens.
Tell me more about the kittens, Terri.
So glad you asked. Let's start with Artemis. She is a female, brown tabby with a black nose which I think looks classy and understated. She enjoys long baths and making ridiculous expressions. She is the babysitter/protector of the trio and looks out for the others as she is very mature for her age.
There is Steph, also a female, brown tabby, but with a pink nose. She enjoys playing with string, preferably pink silk which she stole from a certain someone's pj bottoms. She hides under the bed, but don't let her fool you. She's not afraid, she's just a big tease. She'll come out as soon as you feign disinterest.
And then there was Zane. A female, blue tabby. She enjoys napping in patches of sunlight and beating up her sisters. With her tiny features and bat-like ears, she's a clear stand-out.
Now I shall bombard you with pictures of their cuteness. If you find it in your heart to provide them a loving home, just give me a holler.