The Nxt

CLIENT:  Nxtbook Media

MY ROLE:  Writer, Producer, Photographer

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Nxt was an in-house video series featuring different members of the Nxtbook team in humorous situations, based on true stories. Each episode features a member of our team and a project or task that they are undertaking  at Nxtbook. Though the situations and characterizations of employees portrayed in The Nxt are exaggerated (Think Spinal Tap, β€œThe numbers all go to eleven!”), they are based on the real working dynamics and quirks of the Nxtbook Team.

The strategy behind the videos was to promote company culture and service offerings in an entertaining, sharable format.

Completed while employed by Nxtbook Media as an Interactive Media Designer

The Nxt Series: Episode 1

Harmonizing with Matt

The Nxt Series: Episode 2

Building Forts

with Don & Justin

The Nxt Series: Episode 3

Pushing Paper with Todd

The Nxt Series: Episode 4

Trike Racing with Jeremy